JAP INDUSTRIES s.r.o. > Customs Services

Customs Services

We provide you with representation in customs proceedings at the Customs Office for the Moravian-Silesian Region and other customs related services.



Customs declarations, intrastat, warehousing and logistics services

- Preparation of customs documents:
          - Single Administrative Document (SAD,SADd) in the e-Import system
          - Export accompanying document (VDD) in the E-export system
          - Transit accompanying document (TDD) in the NCTS system
          - Certificate of origin (EUR.1, A.TR)
          - International consignment note CMR
- Representation of companies in customs proceedings (direct and indirect).
- Guaranteeing of customs debt.
- INTRASTAT reporting (trade in goods within the European Union).
- Organization of loading and unloading by forklifts and cranes with the possibility of unloading containers and wagons by modified Hyster forklifts with a capacity of 4 tons.
- Rail siding with container unloading capability.
- Warehousing of goods in covered warehouses.


Customs declarant
Báčová Pavlína  +420 552 321 542 / +420 773 778 601 deklarace@jap.cz

Customs declarant
Zmeltová Dagmar +420 552 321 542 / +420 773 778 601 deklarace@jap.cz

Opening hours:  Monday - Friday  7:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Contact Address

JAP INDUSTRIES s.r.o. (Třinec+Konská premises)

JAP INDUSTRIES s.r.o. - Customs Services
Třinec, Konská 744, 739 61
Czech Republic

GPS address
49° 42' 17,826" N
18° 38' 2,505" E